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Meet Sal & Jenny

Lifelong friends and Workforce180 participants Jenny and Sal have always supported each other. Sal shares, “We’ve been friends since kindergarten!” Over the years, they’ve encouraged each other whenever school, work, or life got difficult. “When one of us is down,” Jenny explains, “the other says you’ve got this, don’t give up. We look out for each other.”


Sal especially needed Jenny’s support in 2021 after hospital expenses wiped out his tuition savings. The financial strain meant Sal would need to put school on hold. But Jenny had just started the Workforce180 program and encouraged Salto apply so he could continue coursework. “It sounded too good to be true,” Sal admits. He

was accepted and found support from “genuine people who care, who want to help students get a degree.”


The power of caring support is exactly why Jenny and Sal chose nursing. “I’ve been driven to help people since I was a kid. I want them to know they’re not alone, that there’s hope,” Sal says. Jenny agrees: “I always want to help people feel better. When people feel helpless, a caring nurse makes a difference.”


Thanks to your gifts making Workforce180 possible, Jenny says she has peace and hope for the future: “Now I know it’s doable because I have this support.” Sal says it’s “made me confident that I’m going to push through and graduate.”


Their decades-strong friendship takes them to ISU this fall. We cannot wait to see their bright futures unfold!


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